Free yourself from back pain in just 12 minutes per day

Get rid of back pain and enjoy life again even when traditional therapy never seems to work

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"... For years I have woken up every morning with massive back pain. Visits to the doctor, massage and other therapies have each brought only short-term relief. After only 4 weeks of Stabiloga I had my back problems under control. Since then, I still do the exercises sporadically as a preventive measure. What is especially amazing for me is that the Stabiloga exercises are so pleasant that you don't have to overcome yourself."

Marc D.

"...I have been doing the Stabiloga program for the last 3 months and since the beginning every exercise has been an amazing relief for my back. My back pain has reduced gradually, the more time that I'm practicing the exercises the better that I feel. I'm including the Stabiloga program in my daily routine and definitely recommend it to all the people with back pain."

Ckori V.


Stabiloga is a newly developed back relief program, designed to help you regain your vitality and quality of life for good. This is done in a very easy, convenient and time-saving way. The Stabiloga program is an online training course in which you follow short and specific movements shown to you by your back coach every day at your home. These specially created movements, arranged in a precise sequence, stimulate your nervous system, specific muscles and tendons. This is done in a gentle and unique way, resulting in the reversal of your back pain.

The program automatically adapts to your individual situation. You will additionally learn how to prevent or avoid back pain in daily life. The program is designed for long term use. With the Stabiloga program, you get exclusive access to a carefully designed movement program that will not only stop your pain, but keep you in shape for years to come to bring back your vitality and health. Invest 12 minutes a day to regain 100% of your vitality and quality of life.




Whenever you have time every day, lie down on your bed or on an exercise mat and for a few minutes follow the gentle movements that I show you individually each day in a video on your online device (smartphone / tablet / notebook / TV).

In addition to the movements, I give you specific daily advice for you to integrate into your daily routine. Everything is designed to help you use as little time as possible and still achieve a long-term pain-free back.

"...To my astonishment, after 4 weeks, my back pain started reducing. Even my stiff neck felt much better and I was able to turn my head with much more ease. After 2 months, the pain has disappeared and I can lift my kid again with confidence!..."

Marc H.


80 specifically selected and created movements are choreographed in the Stabiloga program in a specific order and progression. Even if you are completely unfit, the Stabiloga sequence gently prepares your body, eliminates imbalances and eventually develops the necessary stability to eliminate your back pain.

The secret of the method is the gentle stimulation of specific muscles, tendons and nerves in a precisely coordinated sequence that changes every day and adapts to your individual situation. The focus is on the stability of the hips, trunk, back and shoulders.


  • People with back pain who sit many hours every day
  • People whose back pain keeps coming back
  • People who have already tried many methods to stop back pain
  • Business people who have an extremely busy calendar and very limited time available
  • People who are willing to invest 12 minutes a day to regain vitality and joy of life
  • All those who have no more patience with treatments that work only for a short time
  • Unathletic as well as athletic people
  • People aged between 30 and 80

If you recognise yourself in the list above, then the Stabiloga program is for you. In this program, you will receive specially selected and designed movements for your back and shoulders to recover from the rigours of sedentary work. These movements are much gentler and easier than any standard workout. You'll be surprised. Some of my clients call it "muscle meditation." The short movement pattern, which changes daily, feels more like relaxation. That's exactly why it works. And because of the carefully designed program sequence.

In addition to the 12-minute movements, you will receive numerous tips on the subject of back pain. These will give you the necessary knowledge and tools to achieve more ease, joy and performance in your life. This will keep you supple, agile and happy for many years to come, despite sitting for long periods of time every day. The Stabiloga program also helps people with sciatica, upper back pain and neck pain. 


  • People who are not willing to spend 12 minutes a day for a new life
  • People who simply accept the pain and the destructive effect it has on their lives and happiness
  • People who prefer to keep spending money and time again and again on short-term treatments
  • People who do not want a better and happier life
  • People in physically demanding jobs
  • People who have injured themselves through excessive training


The Stabiloga program is well structured and integrated into an online training platform that runs on any web browser on your smartphone, tablet, computer or TV.

In the menu on the left side you can very easily select the particular day, after which you will immediately see the corresponding video on the right side.

"...I felt pain in my lower back in the evening. This led to frequent cortisone injections. Since I have been doing the Stabiloga program, I am pain-free..."

Cornelia S.


  • For 19 USD per month you get monthly access.
  • For 197 USD (one time payment) you get unlimited access to the full Stabiloga Back-Relief-Program.
  • You have your personal back coach with you at all times and can meet with him exactly when YOU have time.
  • The purchase is completely risk-free. - If you do not like the program, you will get the full purchase amount back within the first 30 days for the one time payment purchase. No questions asked.


If you have decided to regain your full vitality and joy of a pain free life, select either the unlimited access or the membership option, click the button "Checkout", fill in the form on the next page and confirm your purchase. You will then get immediate access to the Stabiloga program and you can start right away.

Your data and your payment are absolutely safe. They are encrypted with SSL and processed with the globally recognised payment companies Stripe or Paypal.


Stabiloga Back Relief Program

19 USD

/ monthly


  • Monthly access to the Stabiloga back program
  • THE comprehensive and long-term solution to keep your back pain away forever
  • Specific tutorials on how to avoid back pain in the office and in everyday life
  • Your personal back relief coach who is always there for you


Stabiloga is a program designed for long-term use over years. It is not about suppressing symptoms in the short term. Stabiloga is the comprehensive long-term solution to the core problem that is leading to your back pain and limiting your life.

My personal experience with traditional back pain therapies is that you have to do them again and again because the pain is always returning. With the Stabiloga-Program, you save cost and time for numerous treatments which can be quite high as I show you in the examples below.

In the list below, you see the average cost of a selection of traditional treatments that I myself and many of the Stabiloga users have used over the years, unfortunately without long-term success. The treatment duration per pain episode is based on my personal experience and prices are averages I paid in my 25 years long back pain phase.


80 USD per treatment
For each pain episode approx. 3 to 6 treatments
240 - 480 USD cost for each pain incident


80 USD per hour
For each pain episode approx. 4 to 8 hours
320 - 640 USD cost for each pain incident


150 USD per month
My flexibility has improved while doing yoga. However, my back pain episodes did not improve, but rather intensified. Many types of yoga involve movements that can be irritating to the back for people suffering from back pain.


100 USD per hour
For each pain episode approx. 4 to 8 hours
400 - 800 USD cost for each pain incident


Watch the free tutorial on how to protect your back in a few simple steps. Enter your email address and click on the blue button to get immediate access.


"I had a herniated disc L4-L5 and L5-S1 since few years ago. I'm a very active person that practices sports on a regular basis, such as climbing, yoga, golf, scuba diving, and many more. I'm also a workaholic, when I'm not sitting at my computer I'm looking for adventures. My lower back pain comes and goes, but it is always there, sometimes I can't walk, sit or sleep properly due to the pain. I have been doing the Stabiloga program for the last 3 month and since the beginning every exercise has been an amazing relief for my back. My back pain has been reduced gradually, the more time that I'm practicing the exercises the better that I feel. I'm including the Stabiloga program in my daily routine and definitely recommend it to all the people with back pain."

Chori V.

"For me this program is really unique. It is perfectly designed, slowly and gently increasing. My hip flexion improved a lot with it and my back pain is gone now. It feels like a reset button for pain. It works very well. It feels so good, I will continue to do it long term.."

Christian N.

"Stabiloga is an excellent back relief program with easy to perform exercises for strengthening and loosening the back muscles by involving the entire body. The lessons are clearly structured, professionally implemented and presented by an experienced and sympathetic coach. They timed so that the exercises can be comfortably performed every day and at any time, even with a tight schedule. Used regularly, the mobility of my entire body improved after only a short time and my pain disappeared. The price is also very reasonable for what you get. Definitely recommended."

Sonja G.

"Since years I had a painful back right after waking up in the morning. I tried every possible therapy. Chiropractors, Pilates, Osteopaths, Feldenkrais, Physiotherapy and so on. By chance I learned about Stabiloga and just tried it. To my astonishment, after 4 weeks, my back pain started reducing. Even my stiff neck felt much better and I was able to turn my head with much more ease. After 2 months, the pain has disappeared and I can lift my kid again with confidence! If you can commit to a few minutes of movement which feels like muscle meditation, this is the solution. Thank you so much for making this easy method available."

Marc H.

"I had a herniated disc in my neck a few years ago. Especially when sitting in front of the computer for a long time, I quickly felt pain in my neck and shoulder area. If I then switched to a standing desk, I felt pain in my lower back in the evening. This led to frequent cortisone injections. Since I have been doing the Stabiloga program, I am pain-free. It is ideal for me, that I can do the workout in the morning or in the evening, depending on the time. It is also helpful that there are different length sessions of 12, 24 or 30 minutes. Based on my experience, I recommend this program also to people with shoulder and neck pain. Stabiloga has also helped me to get more flexible. By now, I even take the gymnastic mat with me on vacation."

Cornelia S.